Our Commitment to Patient Safety & Quality

The Joint Commission

Exclusive Provider of Accreditation and Certification

In 2022, Traditions Health officially named The Joint Commission as its exclusive provider of accreditation and certification services. Since then, all of our branches have received The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval® for Hospice or Home Health accreditation.

A Trusted Provider

Nationally Recognized Care

Since 2008, Traditions Health has been a leader in high-quality home health, hospice, and palliative care. We measure our success by the superior quality of care we provide and the satisfaction of our patients and families.

The Joint Commission logo that links to the Joint Commission homepage


Why Choose Traditions Health?



access to Care


locations across 18 states


caring professionals


people cared for annually


Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help you. Listed below are frequently asked questions regarding Home Health Care. If you have a question that is not covered in our FAQ please Contact Us and a Traditions Health team member will be happy to assist you.

What is The Joint Commission?

Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission seeks to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. The Joint Commission accredits and certifies more than 22,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States, including hospitals and health care organizations that provide ambulatory and office-based surgery, behavioral health, home health care, laboratory and nursing care center services. An independent, not-for-profit organization, The Joint Commission is the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care.

Is accreditation or certification mandatory?

No. Healthcare organizations, programs, and services voluntarily pursue accreditation and certification.

What is an accreditation survey?

Joint Commission surveyors visit accredited health care organizations a minimum of once every 36 months to evaluate standards compliance. This visit is called a survey. All regular Joint Commission accreditation surveys are unannounced.
Joint Commission surveyors are highly trained experts who are doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, laboratory medical technologists, and other health care professionals.
During the survey, surveyors select patients randomly and use their medical records as a roadmap to evaluate standards of compliance. As surveyors trace a patient’s experience in a healthcare organization, they talk to the doctors, nurses, and other staff who interacted with the patient. Surveyors also observe doctors and nurses providing care, and often speak to the patients themselves. Joint Commission accreditation does not begin and end with the on-site survey. It is a continuous process. Throughout the accreditation cycle, organizations are provided with a self-assessment scoring tool to help monitor their ongoing standards of compliance. Joint Commission accreditation is woven into the fabric of a healthcare organization’s operations.

What does being accredited by The Joint Commission mean for your patients?

Accreditation with The Joint Commission provides a specific standard of how care should be delivered across an enterprise. That translates into great outcomes for patients and their families. The care for our patients across the whole spectrum, is delivered at a higher level.