Seven Tips for Healthy Aging

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Two older men playing chess in the park in the fall.
Published:  September 9, 2024

Getting older is a natural part of life. But with a little intention, you can age gracefully and ensure your best possible health. September is Healthy Aging Month. To celebrate, our experts are sharing seven tips for healthy aging.

1. Fuel your body with nutritious foods

A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins — and that limits processed foods, added sugars, and unhealthy fats — goes a long way toward helping your body function as it should. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight, reducing your risk for disease. If you’re overweight or have a chronic health condition, ask your provider for guidance. If additional support is needed, your doctor can always refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist for a personalized plan.

2. Keep your body strong and active

According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), older adults focus on exercises that help them:

  • Improve balance, like Tai Chi, standing on one foot, squats, and reverse lunges.
  • Ramp up endurance, like brisk walking, jogging, yard work, swimming, bicycling, and tennis.
  • Increases flexibility, like forward lunges, upper arm exercises, and back stretches.
  • Builds strength, like weightlifting, push-ups, bodyweight exercises, and resistance bands.

Regular exercise is important for physical and mental health. Maintaining strength and flexibility can also help prevent falls.

3. Prioritize high-quality sleep

Getting enough sleep is critical to your overall health and well-being — and according to the NIA, older adults need around seven to nine hours. As your sleep patterns tend to change as you age, it’s more important than ever before to establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine.

Track your sleep patterns with a fitness tracker or smartwatch. These devices monitor sleep stages, including REM sleep, and how often you wake up at night. They also provide insights into your sleep quality and how it compares to others. With this information, you can identify areas for improvement.

If you have trouble falling — or staying — asleep or experience excessive daytime sleepiness, talk to your physician. You may need to be checked for a sleep disorder or other medical condition that affects sleep.

4. Manage stress effectively

As our lives change, we may experience certain stressors for the first time. But managing your stress effectively — so you can stay healthy and happy — is key to thriving in your golden years.

Some common causes of stress in older adults include:

  • Caregiving
  • Chronic illness
  • Financial concerns
  • Loneliness
  • Moving
  • Retirement and other life changes
  • Social isolation

To reduce stress, try meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. Stay connected with friends and make new ones by joining groups can also help.

If you’re feeling so overwhelmed that it’s interfering with daily life, consider therapy. A licensed mental health professional can help you pinpoint the root causes of your stress, teach you relaxation techniques to calm your mind and body, help you improve your relationships, and give you a new outlook on life.

5. Engage your mind

Lifelong learning helps keep your mind active and boosts cognitive function.

Here are a few suggestions for keeping your mind active:

  • Learn a new skill
  • Play puzzles and games
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation
  • Read
  • Socialize with friends and family
  • Take a class
  • Use brain-training apps
  • Volunteer

6. Prioritize preventive health care

As we age, our risk increases for chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Regular checkups and screenings allow for earlier detection of conditions, and early intervention can significantly improve your outcomes and quality of life.

Being proactive also helps you maintain energy levels, reduce pain, and experience greater satisfaction.

7. Embrace a positive mindset

Staying positive helps you face problems, big and small. And an optimistic outlook helps you discover meaning even in challenging times.

You can foster optimism by:

  • Embracing humor. Laughter really is the best medicine. Find enjoyment in everyday moments and share it with others.
  • Focusing on your strengths. We all face limitations as we age. Keep your sights on what you can still do, rather than what you can’t.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques. Meditation or deep breathing exercises can help you feel calmer.
  • Reframing challenges. Instead of dwelling on what you can’t control, focus on what you can. Then find solutions to adapt.

We want to be the home health provider you trust

Aging is a beautiful journey. It’s a chance to live on your own terms and embrace your golden years with grace, optimism, and a zest for life.

At Traditions Health, our home health care team can help you thrive at home, prioritizing your comfort, independence, and well-being. You can count on our compassionate caregivers for individualized whole-person care focused on helping you live your best life.

Contact us today to see how we can empower you to take control of your health and remain independent.

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